Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris A Little Thing Called Love

Head                : Rifqi O.E
Members          : Amelia.N.F  (sec.Property) as :  Cheer,Sutradara
                          Daniel.L (sec.Scenario) as: Maew,Mr.Phol,Father of Shone
                          Felin.P (sec.Property) as : Mrs.Inn,Ger
                          Gilang.N.A (sec.Scenario) as : Ping,Mother of shone
                          Maena.v (sec.Property) as :Feye,Nam Re-volution
                          Randy.C (sec.Scenario) as : Phi Shone
                          Rifqi.O.E ( sec.Scenario) as : Phi Top,MC
                          Shafira.R (sec.Scenario) as : Nam,
Come forward  : 1
Time                 : 15-20 minutes

          One day at a famous school in Thailand , there is a smart girl named Nam . He was black , and old-fashioned appearance . Nam seniors like the popular guy in school named Shone. He is a man whose hobby is photography . Shone has a male friend named Top . Top like Nam . Every day Shone always late for school and meet with teachers Inn , chatty . mistress Inn like Mr. Phol . Mr. Phol is a gym teacher at the school . Nam has two best friends named Cheer and Ger . Feye is Nam classmate friend who likes Shone .

          One time , Shone like Nam , but he was confused because the Top like the same girl . Shone and Top 've both promised that he would not like the same girl . Shone actually liked the first since Nam Nam from ugly to be beautiful , while the Top liked Nam since the drama plays Snow White .

          Until one day , in the cafeteria of the Top plans to shoot Nam . Nam finally summoned to the cafeteria . And what happened ? Top Nam accept his love . Yet in his heart Nam someone she likes is Shone . And how the state Shone ? Hearts shone very upset , disappointed , he had tears in his eyes . But the rice has become porridge .

          And by the time school farewell , finally Nam expressed his heart to that he loves Shone Shone . And that happens , Shone could not say anything . It turns out that shone already dating with Pin . Really hurt Nam . Blurr ! Nam fell , Shone actually want to help him but Nam says it's okay

10 years later ...

          Nam became famous designer Amerika.Sedangkan photography Shone became famous in Korea. They both met in private TV shows. MC invites Nam Shone to ask about he was married or not, and he was waiting for someone to answer Shone returning from Nam Amerika.She is crying. Finally Nam and Shone happy life

          One day , Nam was walking along and cheer ger . When it was photography Shone. He was following competencies photography . Mr. Phol passes in front of Shone and converse .

Mr. Phol         : " Shone , what are you doing ? "
Shone           : " Yes sir , I 'm taking some sample photos for the photography  competition ! "
Mr. Phol : " Hmm .. I hope you win at this school event ! By the way do not forget , you have not been following the exercise test ! "
Shone : " I forgot ! Okay I'll follow the test . "

          From a distance , Nam saw shone shyly . Cheer and ger seen behavior Nam .

Ger : " What's wrong with Nam ? "
Nam : " That ! (Pointing towards Shone ) "
Ger : " Oh , Shone ! You like him ? She was a popular guy in class like much younger ! "
Nam : " Is it true ? Well , troubled my heart ! "
Cheer : " Do not be upset ! You know Feye ? She also likes Shone , and overhears Shone also like Feye ! "
Nam : " What ! ! ! Seriously ? I give up ! 's Time I move on ! "
Cher : " Try it first ! Who knows , maybe he likes with you ! "
Nam : " do not seem to ! I'm ugly , black , old-fashioned , no way he likes me !
Ger : "Yeah , anyway ? But do not give up ! "
          Eventually the three of them back to the classroom , and meet Shone.Shone just glance at them .
          The next day, Nam and Shone late coming to school. In front of the school Mrs Inn is waiting.
Shone and Nam: "Mom, do not be closed!"
Bu Inn: "You Shone, late again late again! You also Nam!"
Shone: "Excuse me ma'am, I already get up at six!"
Bu Inn: "not possible! Six hours how come late!"
Shone: "yes ma'am at six forty-five minutes!"
Bu Inn: "You well, Shone (Shone spanked with bamboo)? If you Nam, why not?"
Nam: "I'm sorry Mom! Earlier in street I met an old woman! Grandmother was not able to cross the street I help, and finally I'm late!"
Bu Inn: "A lot of the reasons you! You must be punished! Grasp both your ears,

the feet should not touch the ground!"
          Bu Inn, leave them. Shone and Nam finally looked at each other smiling.
the next day ..
Mr. Phol announced that there is now a test exercise and run.
Mr. Phol: "Good afternoon children! Okey directly to the destination, to absent 21,22,23 and Shone please forward to be ready to run. Ready!"
All: "ready to pack!"
Mr. Phol: "Okay! One .. Two .. Three!"
          and in the middle of the road, Feye fall.
Feye: "aww.'s Very painful! Sprained my foot! Aww!"
Mr. Phol: "Shone, please help Feye to School Health Unit!"
Shone: "Okay! (Holding Feye)
Feye: "Aww, slowly please! (Glancing Nam with Cynic)"
          Ger and Nam passed them both. Nam is very jealous of Feye. True what people say that love Shone Feye.
Nam: "Ger, now I've seen everything!"
Cheer: "Yes, I know it! Yang patient. If I said you move on it!
Nam: "Ger, remember! Mouth could have easily told me to move on, but the feeling can not lie!
Cheer: "But try it first!"
The next day came.Top and Ger was eating in Canteen.

Top    : “ Hi,all ! Anyone seen Nam?”
Cheer : “ Maybe she going to the library.She’s bookworm!”
Ger: "Did you call, or send a message on BBM?"
Top: "It is but have not read!"
Ger: "By the way why are you worried about him?"
Cheer: "You like the same Nam? Wow!"
Top: "If true, why?"
Ger: "it's okay!"
Top: "Well, I got to go first class! Bye!"
          Eventually they both went on their food.
the next day. Class that was noisier instantly became silent because there is Bu Inn coming into the classroom to talk about school drama and English replicates.

Bu Inn: "Good morning boys!"
All: "Good morning! (With a languid tone)
Bu Inn: "Good morning girls!"
All: "Good morning Ma'am too! (With a harsh tone)"
Bu Inn: "Okay, the kids were good and funny mother now want to talk about the play Snow White!"
Bu Inn: "nobody wants to be snow white?, Or cast?"

(No one wants to raise your hand)

Bu Inn: "Once again, nobody wants to be cast? If there is no mother pointed Nam as the main actor is Snow White!"
Nam: "I? Okay, no problem!"

Maew: "I want to protest bu! When she became Snow White tu wrong. Supposedly Snow Black!"
Bu Inn: "Maew, you get out of class!"
Maew: "Oh no! (Out of class)"
Bu Inn: "Oh, mom will hold a pop quiz English! Put books and mobile phone into the bag! Remember do not cheat!"
All: "Well ma'am!"
          Deuteronomy begins ...
Ping: "(issued cheat sheet that he created earlier)!"
          During the replay, one of the students call it Ping cheating basketball. Nam does not accept the end of this report to Mrs Inn.
Nam: "Mom, ping cheat!"
Ping: "What the hell! Do not look down! Already ugly face need not be sought after!"
Bu Inn: "Ping, you get out of class!"
Ping: "(out of class)"

          Day of drama was datang.Nam in dress by his companions to be cantik.saat that Shone and Top increasingly loved Nam.

Cheer: "Hey Shone, what do you think?"
Shone: "Nam, look at it!"
Top: "You are wrong, he is more beautiful!"
Bu Inn: "Okay kids, now get ready for their respective duties! Nam sleep on mattresses and Top you too!"

Nam: "(asleep)"
Top: "(close to the face Nam)"
Nam: "(wake up, and startled, immediately fell)"
Shone: "(holding hands Nam, and stared straight into his fascinating Nam) Hey you almost fell!"
Nam: "(looking at him awkwardly) Umm.Thank’s you P’Shone!"
          Finally, the drama becomes chaotic.
In a minute Valentine's Day , the day before the Top and Shone plans to shoot the guy of her dreams .

Top : " hi , Bro ! Valentine day soon . You planning something?"
shone : " I'm going to shoot someone who is in my heart ! "
Top : " Oh, so I could also like you ! I now again with a girl like that in Snow White ! "
Shone : " Nam ? You like it ? "
Top : " Yes ! So what ? You do not like or do you like Nam ? Remember Shone we 've promised to not be like the same girl or friendship we broke up ! "
Shone : "Yes , I know it ! I do not like it ! Later I help you make him shoot ! "
Top : " Oh for real? Yeah Thank you indeed my best friend ! "
Shone : "Yeah , buddy ! "

          Top do not know if Shone like Nam . Shone actually know if his friend likes Nam . But he was more concerned with his friendship .

          Valentine's Day was coming . Many men who gave gifts to Nam . But only one person Nam desire . That Shone ! Shone awaited did not come . Nam was tired , but Shone came unexpectedly brought her flowers .

Shone : " ( a smile from a distance ) Hi , this flower for you.But this flower from my friend,it’s Top!”
Nam : " ( changed his expression that had been delighted to now be sad ) Oh , thank you Shone and Top ! "
          Nam class open letter that is in the flowers. The letter contains a messenger to Nam that afternoon immediately to the school field .
The field school ..
Shone : " ( photographed all over the school ) Hi , Nam what are you ? "
Nam : " I , Umm.Kamu was what here ? "
Top : " Hi , Nam ! ( Summon Nam ) "
Nam : " Yeah what's the Top ? "
Top : " On Valentine 's Day I will declare unto you my heart Nam ! Wants whether you be my girlfriend ? "
Nam : " Umm . Yeah Top ! "
Shone : " ( photographing Top and Shone ) "
          Shone heart actually very disappointed and melancholy . But he did not want to break up her friendship . Finally he withstand all of this.
Graduation day arrives ....
Nam revolution : " Hi , guys now we 've graduated ! "
Ger : " Yeah , now we 've graduated ! "
Cheer : " Ouh , by the way you want to express your love to Shone not ? "
Nam'r : " The plan is like that , but I'm scared ! "

Ger : " Do not like it ! "
Cheer: "Well, now we are into the pool, it looks Shone was there!"
Nam’r: "okay! (Follow Cheer and Ger)"
At the pool ...
Shone: "(take a photo towards Nam) Hi ,Nam you haven’t signed my shirt? !"
Nam’r: "(nervously) Umm ..P’ Shone I have something to tell you! I like you verymuch,been loving for 3 years! I’ve done everything changed my self in every aspects because of you! Nam applied for a classical dance club,played a stage drama,be a drum major,be better at studying it’s for you ! But I know for now that.The thing that I should do the most and should have done since a long time ago.Is telling you straightly that I love You ! ( take a flower and give to P’shone)”
Shone : “ ( shocked)”
Nam’r : “ (crying and looking towards the pocket Shone) Feye and P’Shone? When?
Shone : “ Just a week ago!”
Nam’r : “ Feye and P’Shone are together ! You two are suitable,cute ! Hope you will be happy ! Bye ! (fall)”
Shone : “ Nam ! Nam ! “
Nam’r : “ I’m Okey !you are suitable (crying)”
Shone : “ Nam ! Nam are you alright ?”
Nam’r : “ i’m ( give symbols okay with her hand)”
out the pool ..
Ger: "You okay?"
cheer: "Why are you crying? You rejected?"

Mother Shone: "hi, my son! You just go home?"
Shone: "Yes mom! I'm busy!"
Shone's father: "Ouh yes my son, you've finished school so now you enter you into a football club! Do you want not? Place in korea, maybe!"
Shone: "Really, mother and father?"
Mother and father: "Yeah right my dear!"

nine years later ...

Nam and Shone met on a talk show. His friends also came to the event Nam.

Directed by: “ Please be relax our show. Is’nt formal”
MC : “ Nam,you are beautiful !”
Nam : “ Thank’s you !”
MC : “It’s good that P’Nam is fashionable!”
Directed by : “ Okey started by 5..4..3..2..1.. !”
( Applause)
MC : “Now,we’re here with Khun Nam! The designer of the beautiful clothes that we’ve just watched “
Nam : “ Sawadde,hi everybody!”
MC : “Our fans may know her well cause she is the desaigner in only a few of thais that are famous in New York and this evidence! ( show magazine from New York)”

MC : “why you can be a famous designer in New York?”
Nam : “ I still have to develop my skill !”
MC : “ So, what work will you do as you came back to Thailand ? “
Nam : “ There’s brand that would like to organize a fashion show.I think it’s interesting ,so I agree to do and because i want to come back. I miss my mom.”
MC : “ Khun Nam,used to tell reporters that when were young umm..i’m sorry you were so ugly,and had bad sense of fashion.That’s totally different from now.What make you’ve changed yourself this much?”
Nam : “ Because I’m fell in love to someone.”
MC : “ Falling in love? Could you tell the story?”
Nam : “ Yes,he was my senior. He was football player and he like photography.And very cute.At that time I had bug face in junior high school.Developed my face a lot. If it could make me to be beautiful,to be better,I tried to it and tried to to study better so he might interest in me.”
MC : “ Did he know it,in the end?”
Nam : “ He knew,but it didn’t have a happy ending.I went to study in the USA to stay with my Dad.”
MC : “ It’s bad !”
Nam : “ But when, I think about it,He’s like my inspiration.He made me use the love in good away.He is like the power that support me to be better and better.Till I’m today’s Nam !”
MC : “ Do you know this notebook? Okey let’s welcome the owner of this book! Khun Shone the former football and photography of Bangkok Glass! Now,He’s changed his career to be a pro-photographer!”
Shone : (came into the room carrying a flower)  I want to give it to Nam !”
Nam : “ (Nervously) Nam? Thank you!”

Shone : “ Yeah!”
MC : “ Please,sit down!”
MC : “ Khun Shone,after you’ve never met Khun nam for 9 years,Do you have something to tell Khun Nam? “
Shone : “ I miss You !”
MC : “ And to Khun Nam,do you have something to tell Khun Shone ?”
Nam : “ Umm..I want to ask P’Shone that have you been married?”
(duration of a few seconds, staring each other face)

Shone : “ Umm.. I have... I have been waiting for someone to come back from the US ! (smile to Nam)!”
Nam : “ (smile and Cry) Ouh !”
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my abilities

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  1. Apa inti cerita dan pesan moral yang dapat diambil dari naskah drama tersebut?
    Regard Telkom University


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